For Your Consideration 🎶 Best Children’s Album

Hey friends! It’s new album time! This one is called Feel What You Feel, and as a strange twist, it’s about feelings. It includes songs about stuff like:

  • The wonderful experience of making a new friend

  • When you’re having a bad day and don’t want to be cheered up

  • Starting school

  • Underwear jokes

  • A tattered friendship bracelet

  • & Many more!

About us:

Formed by Oakland teachers Bret Turner and Ian Walters in early 2019, The Tallest Kid In The Room is a musical project about livin’ that classroom life. Folk-driven with a mix of different genres, Bret’s fingerstyle guitar and kid-centered lyrics meet Ian’s horns, vocals, and production magic in the sweet spot for toe-tapping tunes. These are songs about band-aids, lining up, Zoom school, loneliness, kickball, big feelings and small pencils—if it’s happened at school, we either have a song about it or are planning one. With each song we write, we ask ourselves: how would a kid see this? What does it mean to them? Our sound is relatable to people of all ages—we always aim to make music that grownups are going to like as much as the kids around them. Probably the greatest compliment we ever got was when someone told us “my husband rocks your music in the car without our kids and they got mad when they found out.” Featured on Sirius XM’s Kids Place Live and kids’ radio shows around the country, we can be heard on any and all streaming platforms.

What people are saying:

“No offense, Mr. Turner, but your guitar is awesome”

- First Grader

“Can you write a song about poop instead?”

- Bret’s kids

Ways to listen: